
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blackberry vs. Iphone

It's almost impossible to go anywhere without seeing people constantly using their cell phones. Recently, it has become extremely difficult to purchase a cell phone in which you don't have to pay a monthly fee of atleast $20.00 (depending on what data plan you have) for internet. Two of the most popular kinds of phones are the Blackberry and the Apple Iphone. But which one is better? They are both very complex devices that do similar things, it just depends on the type of use you're going to put into it. The Iphone is a phone, has internet access, and also an ipod which makes it the first of it's kind. The Blackberry is a phone, has internet access, and the capability to hold music.

Blackberry Pros:
-BBM- (Blackberry messenger) A progam which is similar to AIM (Aol instant messenger) that allows quick and efficient blackberry-to-blackberry contact.
-Full Keyboard-
-Quick internet reception-

Iphone Pros:
-Touch screen-
-All in one device (Music, Phone, Internet)-
-Facetime- A program which allows Iphone4 owners to video chat with eachother.
-Apps- Millions of different applications and games available to download onto your phone.

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